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know a bit more of the character...


NAME:  Zayn-Geazi
COUNTRY AND CITY: Zuriniano of Elizeur
MAIN OCCUPATION: Clergyman of Elyz Imperial Court
FAMILY LINK:  He is part of a Clerical Zurinian Family.
MAIN BIND ON EARTH:  Cynthia Helen and Absint
BASE OR LOCATION:  Undefined. He was born and raised in Zur, and spent many years trapped on the planet Ecrom
DECLARED ENEMIES:  The creatures and monsters of the Ecrom Planet, the Lords and Emperors of Zur, the galactic hunters, etc.
OTHER ENEMIES:  Baruk-Crisis, Harmful.
MAIN OBJECTIVE: To be healed of the infection. Remove Baruk-Crisis from CENPES, eliminate Damned, return to lead a normal life.

  DAMNED - Exile and Condemned is a brazilian comic book that tells, with main focus, on the zurinian alien Zayn-Geazi's lifestory, clergyman of Elyz Imperial Court.and servant of the king of Elizeur. He was sentenced to exile on Ecrom Planet, for crimes of treason. On this planet, he was infected by poisonous creatures and became a hybrid alien, known as Damned.

A dark character with many powers...

  Any individual infected through a bite or other form of contamination on Planet Ecrom, if he does not die because the effects caused by infection, it will become an hybrid. Damned is included in this group. Ecrom's mutants or hybrids, also called HARMs, they are poisonous creatures and harmful monsters, which originated from the mutation of beings that somehow survived the strong infections.
The mutation generated many different capabilities in Damned, such as:

  - regeneration above normal,
  - emission of poison by the hands,
  - greater body development,
  - greater physical strength and endurance,
  - above-normal sensory and perceptual capabilities,

  There are other abnormalities that are not common, and that may or may not appear. Mutations are constant in individuals who have survived the infection. It all depends on how each person's body reacts to mutations over time throughout life.

DAMNED is a comic book style with many battles and fights, between monsters and bizarre creatures, in the search for survival. Everything takes place in alien scenariosand almost always inhospitable.
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